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VIDEO: 21 June 2011 - Gail Farngalo, Counsellor to the Permanent Mission of Liberia to the UN, provides highlights from the report of a UNICEF Executive Board delegation to Ghana. Watch in RealPlayer
Gail Farngalo, Counsellor to the Permanent Mission of Liberia to the UN, provided highlights of the delegation’s report to the Executive Board. Ms. Farngalo pointed out that Ghana is on track to reach the Millennium Development Goal of halving extreme poverty. It also has one of the highest primary school enrolment rates on the continent. Still, she said, many obstacles remain.
Notably, Ms. Farngalo reported that Ghana is not on track to achieve MDGs 5 and 7, which call for reducing maternal mortality and expanding access to safe water and sanitation, respectively. She said the draft country programme for UNICEF Ghana would seek to close disparities in these and other critical areas in the coming years.
source: UNICEF